Cervix postion/mucus before and up til pregnancy was confirmed


I'm on CD 15 and my Glow Chart says I ov on the 29th. My cm was more watery than stretchy and cervix position was reallllyy low. Then yesterday I check cm was really clear and stretchy, cervix was medium at first then low. And I had these flutters I guess that's what Horny feels like in my abdomen.

I had sex with my husband 28-30. My cervix today 31st is really low again when I sit and check it(toilet) lay down its far back so far I can't reach it.

Any similar experiences or experiences with their cervix and catching the ov day naturally?

I believe I Ov. Yesterday 30th due to the fact my abdomen was sore and I was horny at the same time. Yet, today I'm fine no achy abdomen anymore and my mucus still a little stretchy and watery at the same time. Hope we nailed it lol!