Pregnancy symptoms but have Mirena

Justine • Proud Mummy of Aaliyah Luna 09/05/08 🌙Baby #2 Bjorn Emrys June 2016
About a week ago I took a pregnancy test cause my breasts grew a cup size. My breasts don't grow and the only time they have did was puberty and when I was pregnant with my daughter. The test came up negative. 3 days ago I took another pregnancy test because I've been having back pains, severe acne, mood swings, very emotional, always sleeping, constantly eating and I am a vegan but all I crave is fish and chips. I feel in my heart that I am pregnant but two pee tests say I'm not and I called my doctor and told her my symptoms just so she can tell me that I'm about to have my period. I don't get periods on my IUD and I've never ever had period symptoms so this is so weird. Had anyone gotten pregnant on Mirena or am I just crazy?