Feeling down and overwhelmed

Hi, everyone. 
Right now, I'm 10 weeks, 3 days, and I'm struggling. I'm really overwhelmed at work, where I haven't announced my news yet. I don't want to tell people there until week 13 just to be sure things are going well, but the workload and hours are completely overwhelming because I'm so so so tired and feel run down all the time. 
Also, I'm worried about how I look. I know that sounds shallow and stupid- of course, I know that my body is going to change. But I feel like I'm not "supposed to" be showing at all at this point. But I already have put on about 6 pounds and just this week, my belly is starting to pop out. I know it's probably mostly bloat, but I'm starting to look pregnant.  I'm pretty short and relatively petite usually, and while I have had my share of nausea, I haven't been throwing up at all.  All of this means that I look more pregnant than I am, and before I am comfortable telling everyone. This is leading to major anxiety anytime I have to get dressed for anything- work, social events... I'm a mess. 
Just wanted to unload here and see if anyone else is in the same boat.