Did I over reacted?

Hi everyone. . I wanted to get a fresh and different point of view if I was right or wrong. My boy friend and I have two wonderful daughter there is a six age gap between them. With the birth of our first one everything was on me and I mean everything he never did once change a diaper. Our second daughter is eight months and every night's cry..bottle. .diaper. .sickness. .everything has been on me and I'm about wore out she wakes up 2-3 times a night and I work my full time job as well. I come home and make sure homework is done with my older one etc.. Well today for the first time I asked him for help he said ok. Baby started crying uncontrollably and I said can you please check her diaper his response to my was I can't hear you if want to ask me something come here. Girls I'm telling you not even 25 mins went by he wanted to feed her a bottle I said NO. She just ate like 1 1/2 hrs ago.. He told me well I can't make her stop crying, my response was to him well you can hold her..play with her.. give her a toy etc.. He stopped me and said no I need her to hush. I guess I was ready to explode. I responded to him that I do this every single night 2....3.... time a night for the last 8 months..that he never even knows because he's always asleep. She doesn't feed her self someone is doing it and it's obviously not you. So I started to bring things up like you get off work at 4 never come straight home to see if I need help you get here around 7..8... and asking did you cook today. . I get off work at 6 get home at 630.. Get the girls make sure they eat.. take them a bath.... do homework. ..(he has never once even attempted to try to do homework with her) squeeze in tv for the older one..(once he gets here he says it's daddy turn for the tv.. I say no she just finished hw it's her turn) and expect me to cook for you?!! Are you freaking kidding me.. ? I put the to sleep make sure school uniform is ready for the next day.. pack baby's bag.. everything is on me ...We never do anything as a family I'm always the one going out with my girls. He bails on me every single weekend never fails. So I asked him to leave. You don't have to be here and make life miserable for both of us. So gather your S*and get the F* out of my house. Yeah my house got it after he left me the first time for...should of known... that one time ... should of been the last time... We have not even slp in the same room for over a year now and I know there is someone else and it breaks my heart to think about it. He says he goes with his brothers... they are always calling him to go with them..I know this for a fact..I refuse to do this every day for the rest of my life.. I have 2 girls to focus on..I try talking to him it work only for a few days then it's history. ..We got back together about 2 yrs ago.. I asked well if you don't want me why did you go through all that trouble of calling.. txt... invites.. and now I don't even exist for you again I was fine without you...Thank for allowing me to vent. Please only positive advice. Thank you.