Hoping this is it!!! (Long)

I went off of my BC last February and the hubs and I started TTC in August of 2014. We got our BFP in September that resulted in a mc :(. Due to a lot of reproductive issues.... (I've been seeing a reproductive surgeon since I was 16 and at 19 (I am now 24) had to have a Fallopian tube and ovary removed along with reconstruction of my uterus....) My dr told me that if we were not pregnant within 6 months, to come back.   
It is so hard to track ovulation or know what month I can even get pregnant since I only have the one ovary and Fallopian tube. It's so frustrating!!! 
So.....   AF is due between today and 1/5/14. I range between 29-33 day cycles. I've been having very mild cramps for the last few days, what looked like it could have been implantation bleeding 3 days ago, breasts are sore, nausea/indigestion after eating, and 2 neg hpts :(   I'm so scared that AF is going to show her ugly face this month and shatter my hopes. Just needing some reassurance or guidance. I know that nobody can say "you're prego" or "no you're not"... I just don't have anybody that understands what I'm going through.