Just so everyone knows...

↞ηιcσℓε♡↠ • 15 very long years of ttc! Not giving up though!!
Having sex, especially unprotected sex, can lead to pregnancy! If your not wanting a child use condoms and get on birth control! I try to be a good person and help people on here when they have questions and such, but I'm so over the an I pregnant? Can I get pregnant? Questions that these girls are posting because they are teenagers and afraid they're pregnant because their boyfriends might not have pulled out in time. Whether they pull out or not precum has sperm in it and you can get pregnant! Even if your guy doesn't get off! I've been ttc for 7 years 8 years in May and forgive me if I'm being rude! Because truly I'm not trying to be! But I get tired of all these. "Accidental" pregnancies and stuff. If you don't want a baby please protect yourselves! I know deep down everyone on here ttc is probably boiling hot when they read those posts when they are trying so hard for a baby and these girls just "accidentally" get pregnant! Ok rant over!