Is this normal?

Kelley • Be proud of who you are. Not ready for a child or settling down. Here for protection and honest knowledge.
So, I had a break up this past February of 2014 with someone I was with for years and we were a very physical, sexual relationship. Once we broke up, I stopped having sex wth him and also didn't "get myself out there." Therefore, I hadn't had sex for over 9 months. 
I then recently (about a week ago) had a one night stand with a fling from forever ago. I didn't orgasm an barely was wet. Now, what I'm concerned wth is that I need to urinate much more often, sometimes without warning and close to 4 times a day. Plus, it's sort of painful.
It's kind of slowing down but I just want opinions on a plan of action or if it's something to worry about.

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