Suggestions for Glow. Warning this is really long.

Katie • I`m 22, married, and I have PCOS.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about ages on here. I think I've come up with a good idea on how to control age in the app and some other ideas that I think are pretty good.

Glow is becoming a more popular app. More and more people are using it. I love Glow because I can post and get feedback, good and bad. I know there are trolls but they appear everywhere now so no one can completely avoid them.

I think there should be a blocking feature. So if you are blocked or have blocked someone they can't see your posts, comments and replies.

I also think there should be a way to possibly add people (like friends) and a way to send direct messages. And when you set up an account you can set you're strong points (periods help, dating advice, advice in general, etc.) I know Glow's main purpose is a <a href="">period tracker</a> and ttc app, but theres so much more to being a woman than just those things. And I like that I can post on here without little to no judgment. I know some people start drama but they're like trolls, you can't completely escape them. And I feel safe on Glow. If any of the women on here were to go to any other social app and post some of the things that are posted there would be 10× more drama and judgment.

Now for the age thing. I'm glad young girls are asking questions. From personal experience I would have loved to have had a place to ask questions no matter how dumb or out there they may have been. I know some people say that their parents should be telling them but thats not the case with a lot of kids. My mom never talked to me about my body, puberty, sex, dating or anything. I had some many questions and was very misinformed on whatever I did ask. I'm glad to be able to see that young teens are at least asking someone for advice instead of going around clueless. But back to the age thing..


I think glow should be split up into several groups: one group that is restricted for only 10-13 year old kids. At that age on their section they could grt tips on their periods and how their bodies are changing. I dont think they should have a community section, but I do think they should be able to ask older users questions. (Like when a user over 18 makes an account they can put in their strong points, or if they would like to receive questions from the younger groups) When the user turns 14 they can advance to the next group system.

The second group would be ages 14-17. I think it should be restricted to only them, but they could have a community. They also could ask questions to older users who have agreed to receive questions or to give advice to the younger users.

Group three would be for 18+. Basically how Glow is now. I think this system would weed out the posts from young teens and kids that some adults don't want to see. And it would stop the younger teens from seeing posts about non age appropriate content.

Does anyone else have any other suggestions?