Anyone else get fed up when some one tells you constantly your wrong.

So basically I'm mad fun by my family cause I'm a health junky. I want to work in the health department and be a nutritionist. I work at a health store and in college for biology I also get paid to learn about certain things . so I'm not telling people things from my ass. My father just recovering from surgery. So I suggested proboticws for the antibiotics he is taking so he can stay regular and boost his immune system. And my sister who doesn't know crap says he shouldn't take anything he wasn't told to talk and over do it . I sent them paper and research and the benefits of it and she says I'm a crazy hippie who thinks I'm a doctor when I'm not. I'm I have to bit my tongue each time to provw to them I'm actually going to college and don't still need my father when I'm 30 and moved out to still pay for my car. I know I'm not the smartest but I dk know what I'm talking about. Just heart that I always told I'm wrong in this house and told I'm not going to amount to shit. Sorry guys I needed to vent. Can't wait till I'm married and still make in on my own with out people making fun of me or telling me I'm stupid . this family even made fun of my hair my weight and the fact I made my self throw up when I was younger. It just horrible. And got me on my nerves