Maybe the bleeding will never stop.....

Last month I had a light 3 day period, this time around I started on the 22nd and still haven't stopped even with starting birth control 6 days ago to slow it down. I'm not bleeding heavy, a pad a day would suffice although I use many more because of liking to stay clean issues, I don't use tampons for other reasons. I have been under a lot of stress and did have a miscarriage back in April that my gyn said couldn't be confirmed because I waited so long to get seen, periods have been off since April. This time the bleeding the entire time is like really old blood, I have been in a relationship now for a small while and we have talked about TTC eventually but now I'm worried that maybe I will never be able to conceive again. I had a transvaginal ultrasound, no remains of a miscarriage, no cysts, and was told no endometriosis.....someone recently told me endometriosis is only confirmed by a CT which I have not had, before April I never cramped while bleeding, I do now but it is still nothing I can't tolerate, I just don't understand this. After seeing my gyn a few times and being on birth control for a few months my menstrual seemed to be back on track until my short cycle last month and now this one that I fear will NEVER end. I know my hgb is fine and I'm not becoming anemic but I do have a panic disorder, born with a heart murmur (I've been told it is no longer there), but I'm a nurse and work 12 hr shifts graveyard and here lately I keep having lots of palpitations and feel so ran down. Maybe its stress causing the bleeding or maybe it really is endometriosis, I really just needed to vent.