
Why do we live in a world where most girls can twerk upside down on a wall but can't cook a hot meal for their family, or where people can't grasp the concepts of "Then," "Than," "They're,"  "Their," and "There" ...?
Why is grammar meaningless to people? I make mistakes... but would it kill some people to use punctuation? It does matter. "Let's eat grandma." And "Let's eat, Grandma." Or "We could've made love the entire night, but with my little brothers coming over in the morning I was just not feeling very romantic." And "We could've made love the entire night but with my little brothers, coming over in the morning I was just not feeling very romantic." HUGE DIFFERENCES. Eating grandma, and having sex with your partner and your brothers. 
And Why do people not wonder things anymore? Why are 5,6 and 7 year olds being left on the computer or iPad alone? Why do children need cellphones equipped with every social media app that is out there? Why is the world going back in time? Now we have all of this technology, some incredible and vital things that have made huge differences in the medical world and for real life applications, but the human mind is comparable to that of a cave man. People would rather know what Kim kardashians sex tape entails, or watch hours of porn, or know who won the school yard fight- than to go to a library and expand your mind about the world around you or even google something useful. Research is easier than ever but it seems the only things people are researching are things that we shouldn't be bothered with. The world is coming to an end because we are all living in the box that our ancestors tried their whole lives to think out side of.