Newly weds

This is for all you mamas out there, I'm in need of some advice.
   I recently got married on August 16th, 2014. My husband and I are wonderful and happy. Life is great! I couldn't be happier. 
   The topic of children has come up quite recently. My husband has twice now asked if I'm ready for a baby. He says he is ready, or he thinks he is. I have always wanted children. 
   My concern is, we have been married for only 5ish months. We are 23 & 24.Is that too soon to have a baby? I feel like we just need some time for us! Enjoy marriage without kids for a while. I tell myself I want to travel, without kids but then I think "will we REALLY travel??". I just don't know.. It's like when he asked me if I was ready my heart says yes yes yes! and my mind is just whoa whoa whoa, hang on a second!
 Am I over thinking this? Do we just have baby fever