Need some opinions...

I'm a little confused if I did the right thing...just needed some extra opinions, also not ttc...on the day Glow predicted my start of ovulation I had unprotected sex however he pulled out. I know for a fact he didn't cum inside of me but I did take a plan b generic pill the next day to be safe. I've used plan b before and it worked. Also not on a bc pill but we do normally use condoms. The following night I had unprotected sex using the pullout method (I know super smart, but it was New Year's <a href="">Eve</a> and I was a little inebriated). I have been feeling normal but am a little worried there is still a chance I could be pregnant?? I hate waiting for my period but I know that's what I'll have to do. If you could leave any advice or comments that would be helpful, thanks :-)