Boyfriend mad at me???????

My boyfriend just got mad at me because I asked him to make eggs the way my mom makes them... I'm very picky about my foods and my boyfriend will eat most anything and I don't... Ex-he'll eat his meat at medium where I like mine burnt well done. I'm just picky because I've had more than 1 bout of food poisoning while I was growing up and can't afford/don't want to go through it again while working 2 jobs and going to college full-time. Anyways, he just started yelling at me telling me that was rude of me explaining how my mom cooks it (I can't cook what I want) and that he is really sick and tired of it and that he'll lie to my face telling me the food I make is good and it tastes like poo (paraphrase). I'm sick with a head cold/sinus infection (day 1). What's a girl to do??? We were perfectly fine and then it's a raging fire.