What did u guys use for puppps? The itching is out of control ;(

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Posted at
You're earning your stripes Wear them with pride! :) Not a lot you can do you either get them or you don't They're only going to get worse after baby's born you can look at bio oil and the likes but to be honest nothing worked on mine 


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These are stretch marks :) just use mosturizer to help with the itching I your stretching skin. There's nothing you can do prevent stretch marks, once they are older there are creams you an use to help them fade but that's all. Don't waste your money on the propaganda lol. You're beautiful


Posted at
There is stretch marks but if u can look closely, more on the top, there's small bumps, my dr. Confirmed its puppps & she said I should try n deal with it until it's gets to bad then she could give me medicine that im trying to avoid, I heard of something called grandpas pine tree soap or something 


Kelly • Jan 9, 2015
But the stretch marks I've had on my hips for months are starting to itch real bad & get red :/


Kelly • Jan 9, 2015
Right no it's kinda localized in two spots, I'm hoping it doesn't spread.


Lisa • Jan 9, 2015
So I hope yours don't get that bad because I was so miserable


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It does look like stretch marks. I used cocoa butter lotion and baby oil when I was pregnant with my first and the marks began to fade away before I even had baby.


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I heard Bio Oil works wonders. But I use the Body Butter from Motherhood Maternity and I have not gotten one stretch mark. It has collagen and other things that help. I say try both!


Brittany • Jan 8, 2015
Sorry meant to say I think it's just stretch marks not pupps(:


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I've heard about Gold Bond Anti- itch lotion.


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There is a cocoa butter oil from Walmart with other oils mixed in by Palmers. I put that on first then regular cocoa butter lotion and my skin thanks me so much. Plus it's even helping my old stretch marks fade some... that is until I get bigger I know they will pop back out lol