What do you say?

Des • US traveler. OR living. RH Neg life yo.
We have lost two babies, one in early pregnancy (5-6 weeks) and our second at 16 weeks.  Even though I never gave birth to these babies, I still consider them my children, my angels with God. Now I'm pregnant again, and whenever I see doctors/nurses anywhere (that aren't my regular office visits) they are always super excited and ask me if its our first. And my first reaction is to say yes, and my second reaction is to want to say no, but the other babies didn't make it. I also don't want to explain to everyone our situation everytime, but at the same time I feel guilty not acknowledging my other babies. What do you ladies do? Or are you never asked this question? 
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Posted at
I always mention all pregnancies even if they resulted in miscarriages especially if it's say your doctor office. If you let those people know they can help you the best they can knowing you've had a miscarriage before


Posted at
I feel guilty for not mentioning my previous babies. If all depends who it is though. Healthcare im always honest so they can be aware of our situation.


Posted at
I always tell them how many pregnancies I have had but no love babies. If the are nurses or doctors you do wanna let them know so they can take a look and see what is happening