Lost my cool!

Everyday I try and make it a point tO try and be calm and focus on my job at work and lately I feel like it is my only distraction from all this TTC emotions. But today's here was like 4 people with Babies they are proud to "accidentally" conceived. My husband and I have been trying TTC for 6 years I have done all the charting and all the health hints from the dr I can. I don't eat meat I barely eat processed foods, I exercise and we have not been blessed. However when you bring broods of kids to work ( inappropriate )  anyways I feel I work in an office and screaming babies is not cool. Well long story short I lost it today and what I have been keeping private came out. This kid who just turned 19 knocked up this rich chick and her parents are making him quit his job to take care of the kid. He is disrespectful and goes on how he's a respectable adult and because I don't have kids I cant say that he is obnoxious and or know anything about kids. I was like I have a early childhood education degree, and read more information on the subject than you are able to read. Not looking for sympathy just needed to get it out because well we all do. But what do you ladies have for tips on what you do in this situation, I thought I was hiding it well but I need some new ideas!