Took a break from femara, having pregnancy symptoms!

I have had five rounds of femara and no luck on getting pregnant! My husband and I have been ttc for over two years. Last month, I figured with the holidays I would just take a break and start again in January. About five days ago my breast started to feel very sore.. They have been gradually getting worse and feel fuller if that makes sense and very tingly. My areolas are also bigger. I have been having some mild cramping that kind of feels like a burning sensation on my bikini line and have had mild nausea but have not gotten sick. I took a test yesterday and got a negative but my period is not suppose to come until next Friday. My question is, are these pregnancy symptoms or is this happening because I stopped taking femara.. I am very hopeful and do feel like I am pregnant but I also have doubt because i have been trying so long with no luck. Thank you :)