Vaccination - opinions and facts

Claire • Author, programmer, sword fighter, crafter, book-binder. Occasional rants on my website at
Okay this is a hot topic, so let's break it down, shall we? You're entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. So let's lay down some facts.
1. Vaccinations are overwhelmingly safe. The risk of serious complications from getting a vaccine is many, MANY times lower than the same rate from getting the disease it protects against.
2. The diseases that we vaccinate against are SERIOUS. As in, will kill or maim or lead to other serious illnesses. The western world does not spend a fuckton of money on vaccination for the sheer hell of it.
3. Vaccines do not cause autism. VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. For Odin's sake, people, get this through your head! The guy who started this bullshit was a fraud!
4. You put other people at risk if you don't vaccinate. So you're healthy, and you can fight off measles without needing the shot? Congrats, you're still contagious, and you can infect the people around you who are not so healthy. You can transmit diseases that may kill them.
5. Herd immunity stops the spread of disease, and it HAS to work on the level of populations. A population that is 100% vaccinated will not have 100% immunity, but the level of immunity will be high enough that these diseases will not be passed on to the people who are vulnerable, because those people are surrounded by healthy, immune individuals. So STFU about vaccination not being 100% effective for everyone - they don't HAVE to work for everyone to be worthwhile.
6. Millions of children die in the developing world from preventable diseases. Your 'natural immunity', your belief in your body's ability to fight off disease? It's not working for them. They're lining up to get vaccinations instead.
7. On that point - we have decades of research to show that vaccinations are the most successful method of stopping these dangerous diseases.
8. We also have research to show that homeopathy is total bullshit and doesn't work.
9. We have no solid scientific research showing that 'natural' cures work.
10. If you, a healthy individual capable of getting your shots, still believe that vaccinations are nasty and bad, in defiance of all sense, reason, and actual science showing that they're literally one of the greatest benefits to public health ever invented, then you are the dictionary definition of an idiot.
This has been your PSA for today. Go ahead and complain about how rude I am in the comments.