How do you get pee out of a carpet?

I'm pretty mortified already so please don't give stupid answers.

I'm really ill with some bug or something and I was in bed and couldn't get up. I was really desperate for the toilet but the halls I live in (university halls) have weird flats so my flat is spread out over three floors and I live on the bottom, the bathroom is on the second floor. I was exhausted and trying to make myself get up for ages but couldn't and eventually when I was able to get out of bed I was waaaay more desperate than I thought I was. I wasn't wearing any clothes because I'd been having hot/cold flushes so whilst I was freaking out trying to get some clothes on I peed myself. It's kinda funny because it's so ridiculous but it's not funny that I now have pee on my carpet. I've cleaned myself up and I tried to get as much out with tissues and used some Andrex wet-wipes on it and sprayed some deodorant but there's still a dark patch so it's still wet. It's a shitty industrial carpet so none of the fibres actually stick up. Our rooms don't get cleaned and we only have a vacuum cleaner to do it ourselves.

Help? I'm guessing someone might be able to help considering a lot of you have kids? I really don't want to deal with this right now but I live away from home and my flatmates are shitty so I'm alone with this. Thanks in advance.