Last night I lost my baby 😒😒😒

On monday I found out that we gonna have a baby - four days later I lost my little angel 😒😒😒 Yesterday evening I start spotting, couple hours later bleeding, every hour bleeding gets more intense 😣😣😣...Went to ER - unfortunately here in Dubai medical services are not the best one ( unless you will go to very expensive private clinic). Very bad experience - was crying like a baby while waiting for my husband - only one nurse try to cheer me up, rest of the staff just ignore it 😑 In the end doctor told me that they don't know what's the reason of bleeding - that maybe I never been pregnant and maybe that just late period 😳Nobody even say to come back immediately if bleeding get more intense. Now I'm changing the pad every hour and I have mentally breakdown - cannot stop crying 😒😒😒The worst is that they cannot just tell me - we really sorry that you just lost your baby, but they said that maybe I never been pregnant. So my positive pregnancy tests and high level of pregnancy hormone while doing the blood tests...that was just my imagination then 😡😡😡 Get Duphaston - anyone was taking this one after miscarriage ???(learn more on Glow: