TTC with endo and taking clomid ADVICE?

Oh my goodness! I was diagnosed with stage four severe endometriosis and two endometriomoas one in each ovary. I had the two cysts removed but the larger cyst in my left ovary left my left ovary so damaged (even though I still produce eggs) and my tubes are clear there is a bunch of seeking and scar tissue. My right ovary wasn't producing anything. This is round two of clomid and at round one my left ovary was cramping horribly. Well I can say I am feeling cramping on both left and right way out side my range of comfort. I feel like I can't function! Heating pad and naproxen 850 aren't helping. I have no clue what to do. I have had a lot of surgeries I have a terrible medical history and I have a huge pain tollorence. But this is aweful.