Vanishing twin? ?

Hey everyone! I had an ultrasound done two days ago, and saw I have two sacs but one baby! I was sent for the US because my Dr said I was large for my dates. I have been extremely sick and fatigued and this is my first pregnancy. I started having a noticeable bump around 9 weeks. My sis in law who is a NICU nurse looked at my ultrasound and said it is definitely a second sac. I'm thinking I may have had a vanishing twin? Orrrr my sis in law said since my uterus is retro-verted it could make it hard to see baby two, and it could be hidden behind the other baby. I have a hard time believing that, but I guess it does happen. I go over my results on the 4th, so I'm left wondering! Anyone have experience with this? Here's the picture!