
Sophie • Married my love Oct 18 2014. I have a 6 year old daughter and 3 year old step son. Still undecided on if we want another.

Hi I'm Sophie

I'm new-ish to glow & new to this group

I have always been "religious" or believed in a "higher power"

I thought I got saved in Jr high but it was just a profession of faith not a salvation

At 15 I was raped & got pregnant my family was less than supportive I was a very bitter person for a while and thought why me why would a God of the universe do this to me because there isn't one

But one I had my daughter and really started to appreciate her I started coming back around I don't know how anyone with children child not believe there is someone greater behind that

I got into an abusive relationship and was in it for three years again back to why me but this time I didn't stop believing I was just angry but I met a great group of women and they encouraged me and I got a job under a great Christian boss & I got to a point where I felt I could leave him so I did

Moved back to my home town finished cosmetology school got on my feet

& at the beginning of 2014 I realized I was lost and got saved

I met my husband in July he was saved in August got married in October and are growing in our walks separate & together and buying our first house in March

My husband and I

My daughter and step son