RELIEF! Round Ligament Pain on Right Side + Could Barely Walk

I'm 29+6 & have been having issues from the moment the 3rd trimester started. The biggest issue has been a sharp-shooting, at times, dull pain from my lower back, to hip, to crease in leg to my lower rt abdomen. Pain so bad I've had to sit up to sleep at night & it comes off & on.
After much research & tears of frustration, I found other women with the same issue. Basically with growth at this stage, it causes rlp, the uterus sitting primarily on the rt side, baby's weight + your weight gain, everything is now strained on that side. 
It was recommended I try a maternity belt. 
I bought this one for $18 & OMG instant relief! This has been a phenomenal investment to help my aching back & other areas. I can walk & it helps when sleeping & working. A gem!
Hopefully this can help someone else from suffering & keep them from taking unnecessary medication to fix it.