Did I ovulate? Please help!

Hi ladies - I need your opinion on whether or not you think I’ve ovulated. Here are the basics: I took my second round of Clomid on CD3 – CD7. I got “high” readings on the Clearblue Digital Ovulation test from CD8 – CD13, and received “low” readings starting the afternoon of CD13 and again on CD14 and CD15. Today is CD16 and I didn’t bring a test with me to work today, but will test again when I get home just to be sure. I have been very crampy on and off since CD14, and I know that’s a side effect of Clomid. I am not taking temps, but did have EWCM during the time I received the “high” readings. 
The reason I am a bit skeptical is because when I emailed my doctors office this information, they said that I could have ovulated during the window I listed above, or I may not have ovulated yet. 
Any input or feedback you may be able to give me would be helpful!