Just started misoprostol after blighted ovum😢

We got our BFP Dec 13th after our 2nd month TTC. We were so happy that it happened so fast because with our 1st baby, now almost 3, it took almost 2 years. Anyway, about a week later got confirmation from the Dr's office and had my intake appointment scheduled, first set of blood draws and everything came back normal. January 12th was our 1st official Dr's visit (8w 1 day) to get an ultrasound and we were looking so forward to this. Dr came in, introduced himself to us and proceeded to do a transvaginal ultrasound. Immediately he looked kind of puzzled and turned the screen to us showing nothing but an empty sac. Asked if we were possibly off on my dates, I knew 100% I was right because I had been tracking everything for a while. So he proceeded to tell us MAYBE we were just earlier than we thought and I had possibly ovulated later. In my heart I knew this wasn't the case. He proceeded to schedule 2 blood draws for HGC that same day and the 2nd Wednesday. Monday's was 32k+ which was in approximately the correct range. Waited for Wednesday so anxiously praying for my levels to rise and finally got my results and they had sadly dropped to about 29k. Right away I knew his was it. Had my follow up appointment yesterday 1/22 and 2nd ultrasound showed nothing again but an empty sac that had shrunk from measuring 6/7 weeks to about 4. We were diagnosed with a blighted ovum and given options on how to proceed. I chose to go with the misoprostol just to get it over with and try to leave this behind this month. Waited to come home from work today and inserted the tablets vaginally around 7:20p. It's now 9:36p and I don't feel much of anything, no bleeding or cramping yet just praying this passes quickly so I can continue to heal. To this day I've had no bleeding no cramping or any abnormal symptoms so it still didn't feel real until I had to insert the tabs and basically say my good bye to this much wanted pregnancy/angel😔💔