Please Help!! Some TMI


Forgive me in advance if things are spelled wrong and bare with me.

For the last couple days I've had some bad cramps. The first day it was on and off, nothing too crazy. But when I woke up this morning it was so intense I had to clench my pillow so tight. Than during the day it was on and off agian, for the most part not too crazy. In the afternoon I noticed some spotting when I wiped and it seemed the cramps got more intense. About an hour ago I passed some normal sized clots but now the pain is so intense I feel like someone installed a pinball machine in there. Its super horrible. The last two days have also been accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and a light head ache. I made an appointment with a doctor but won't be seen for a few days. Has anyone been through something similar or have any ideas what it could be? Or anything that might help with the pain? I tried googling but we all know the result of such always is bad.