Feeling miserable :(

Sky • Expecting baby boy due June 18th 💙
Just feel like a little rant .. I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant, my fiance works and I don't and today I just feel so so down about myself because I am not working, we live in a tiny tiny town where there is minimal work, well actually no work, he only has this job because it's all there is. We could move away but can't right now. He makes a good wage, im just feeling upset because I can't contribute to our costs for baby and everything else. He tells me I need to relax and I have a job which is growing our baby but I don't see it like that. I just feel useless every single day. And on top of that I also feel so lonely because I have barely any friends. The ones I do have just use me and aren't true friends, all I do every day is stay home clean and cook. I feel like I have no life anymore, I don't know what fun is anymore, I just feel ugly, I feel like I never look good anymore (not because of my baby belly just in general) I'm feeling so depressed. Or maybe you could say I'm feeling sorry for myself. I can't be the only one feeling like this, mid term blues I think. Agh. Hormones. I don't expect anybody to answer to this just needed somewhere to rant and let it out and im sure this is the best place to do it since I bet a lot of people are in the same boat. The joys of hormones huh... Not. Don't know what to do, hopefully tomorrow's a better day.