Noisy neighbors! What should I do?

Darlene • ♡ US Navy Wife ♡ 3rd grade to Mr&Mrs. • 29yrs young • baby № 3 • Instagram: @withlovedarlene
I've lived in a total of 6 apartments my whole life & I've never called to complain about my neighbors. I just don't like being that person. However, this time I feel like I'm going slightly crazy over my upstairs neighbors & we've only been living here for about 3 months! I'm in my 1st trimester of pregnancy, so you ladies understand how fatigue I feel & how I need all the sleep I can get. Unfortunately, I'm woken up by noisy upstairs neighbors practically EVERY morning between 6:30-7:30 because of continued noise that lasts on/off almost that entire time. You can tell they have a large dog(s?) & that they probably play fetch or something with it in their apartment while they get ready for the day. The noise is more than just a dog walking across the room, it's loud jumping & scuffling. They're being rambunctious for a reason. Everyone that comes over to our place & hears it says the same thing—they're playing with their dog. I understand if the dog gets excited when their owner comes home from work, so I'm not too upset when I hear it a bit in the evening. To be completely honest, I hear it a lot in the evenings & just wish they'd take their dog to the huge dog park at our apartment complex! To top it off, everything sounds so much louder because of the hardwood floors. I feel like dogs should only be allowed on 1st floors after this experience =\ I just wish they were more considerate. What does a pregnant gal have to do to get some uninterrupted sleep??? =(
Your vote & any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!
If I personally talked to them or wrote them a note I'd do it nicely. I always feel weird about calling the office & complaining because I feel like it's mean, but I also feel uneasy over contacting them myself =\ They'll obviously know which neighbor is complaining & I worry they'll retaliate by making it worse. Some people have said to talk to them personally,  while others have said to let the office handle it because it's their job to. I just don't know what to do...

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