I'm so confused...please help. ANY comments/advice WELCOME

My fiancé fight almost constantly and now I'm doubting that I want to marry him. I know my hormones are running a muck and therefore I probably shouldn't make life changing decisions based upon how I'm feeling while four months pregnant but I can't ignore my feelings either. Truly I love him. I'm madly in love with him and I know he feels the same way for me but it's like our relationship still doesn't work. He's 41 and I'm 27 I have a six year old from a previous relationship and I'm pregnant with his first child. We fight about money (how and where it's spent--I feel he doesn't budget properly he'll by part for his '94 hunda and not pay rent until a week or two late a which time late fees are nearly have the cost of rent and he thinks I'm too frugal) we fight about my son (he thinks he's spoiled and needs more discipline and I think he shouldn't say anything about his I'm raising my son) we fight about everything. For example last night (his birthday) I'm hurting and can't hardly walk I have an ovarian cys a placenta abruption hyperemersis orthastadic hypertension server asthma and crazy cramps and round ligament pain I'm on complete bed and pelvic rest yet I cook him dinner (that wasn't bought frozen) and bake a cake (from scratch) when he gets home from work I'm literally crying he barely says thank you and complains about the cake (he wanted a two layer round cake but the cake is rectangular) so we fight about that for thirty mins two hours later he's in bed on the phone on Facebook I'm like can we talk he says in messaging my family (they're all in North Carolina and we live inArkansas) so I take a shower come back can we talk and he's still on Facebook so we fight about that. This morning we fought about fighting. I'm so sick of fighting. I'm sick of him whining. He's super sensitive and I'm extremely aggressive and head string and started to think we're doomed to fail. He wants to change me and I just want him to move out at this point but he has no where to go because he got evicted from HHS place for not paying rent for two months and I'm like I wasn't raised to take care of a man there were five of us and my mom never worked because my dad sometimes worked two or three jobs and we were spoiled and it's like if he can't provide food and shelter for himself it would be stupid for me to marry him thinking he can do so for my two children and I. I'm sorry this is so long but please any advice what so ever will be well received I'm at my wits end but I don't want to just end it because my son loves him so much and is so attached and after his dad walking out I don't think he can take losing my fiancé too.