Serious rant...

⭐Chy⭐ • Mom to five under age 6 & married 7 years....
Yesterday we tried to bd. Both of us were extremely exhausted. I've noticed these new supplements are helping the insomnia as I almost feel asleep as early as 8p! Anyway, I was determined to get last bd in and inserted Preseed. He came in and...dramatic pause...he couldn't get it up! In 6 yrs with him and having sex, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED! He's 28! I was sooooo upset! This month our 'plan' was sex on demand and it was the last time this month! I'm spending a fortune on fertility assistance, checking myself several times a day, getting utis, emotional rollercoaster of seeing the umpteenth bfn, and he can't perform?!? BIGGEST WTF! I even suggested he go in a cup but no, he couldn't get aroused. I tried my best but nothing. We slept seperate, I cried after and hopeful we conceived. But this am he tells me it's MY fault as it's the woman's job to arouse the man. What?!? And it's date night for the month and we have a babysitter. I'm sooo pissed and want to cancel but I do need time away. Just needing space to let this out and get feedback. Thanx for reading...😳