Tips for clubbing? (non-drinker)

I'm a fresher at uni and I don't drink alcohol and I don't do drugs. I'm not stuck up about it, I'm perfectly happy for other people to do it but I have my reasons not to.

My main group of friends here are older and prefer pubs/bars so I've only been to a club once since starting uni and it was sort of fun but I wouldn't run back in a hurry; too much sexual harassment and assault for my liking. I'm going out tomorrow to a different club (Sankeys in Manchester) which used to be amazing and one of the best in Europe but apparently it's not so great any more.

I genuinely don't have a choice so please don't just tell me not to go. The date was rearranged because of me and no other reason (before we'd picked a venue) and someone's already bought my ticket so I can't back out.

Do you have any tips for clubbing? Especially without alcohol? I just have no experience really and although I am sorta looking forward to it I'm a bit nervous. Thanks :)