
Hey! I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. This morning when I woke up, I had a little bit of brown discharge with no other accompanying symptoms. Is this normal? 
Just went back to the bathroom and checked again, and I'm no longer spotting. Is this normal?? 
I have called my doctor, and she said it was okay, to just rest over the weekend. 
Has anyone else had this issue??
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Very common to spot in the first tri. If i am constitpated and bear down too much and too hard i will spot. Sorry if that was tmi


Abigail • Feb 8, 2015
Pregnancy is scary. Thankfully not all blood is a bad thing. I hope you feel better soon.


Dawn • Feb 7, 2015
Thank you for saying that , I was constipated really bad yesterday and after I had a little pink spotting and today a drop of pink I was starting to get scared


Posted at
Ended up going to the emergency room because the brown spotting turned to bleeding. They weren't able to find a fetal heartbeat. Miscarried at 10 weeks. My boyfriend and I are absolutely heartbroken... Good thoughts, prayers, vibes, or whatver are appreciated. 


Amber • Feb 2, 2015
I'm so sorry. You & your boyfriend are in my prayers


Valerie • Feb 2, 2015
❤️❤️I'm so sorry. I'll say a pray for you and your boyfriend tonight


Mary • Jan 31, 2015
Thank you. ❤️


Posted at
I also spotted on and off between 8-10weeks. It would be brown and cover about a quarter of my panty-liner. Doc wasn't concerned and everything is fine. I haven't spotted since 10 weeks and I'm 15 weeks now. Everyone was telling me to relax but it made me so nervous!!! 


Valerie • Jan 31, 2015
*14 weeks


Posted at
This happened to me yesterday! Scariest day of my life! Woke up to a super strong cramp... Then like an hour later I spotted, and within minutes the spotting became bleeding! Went to the ER, after a ton of tests and an ultrasound... it was decided that I had some sort of hemorrhage, the uterus and the placenta pulled apart in a tiny place! We were really lucky... I bleed for more than 12 hours, but in the ultrasound we saw our strong baby, wiggling and kicking around! I'm so glad we called our midwife and went to the ER! Super sore today... But I'm  totally glad it turned out well for us!


Posted at
Just happened to me!! Kinda freaked out... Im crampy abit but otherwise im feel fine.