
Nicola 🐟 β€’ πŸ’™ Jan 07πŸ’™ πŸ’›TTC Apr 14πŸ’› πŸ’šBFP 5 Jun 16πŸ’š πŸ’™πŸ’•due Feb 2017πŸ’•πŸ’™

When my son was little the doctor and midwives made appointments and we showed up. This one particular day they gave him all his vaccines. They told me what they were for and I agreed for them to do it.

I got home from the clinic and told my mum he'd had his jags and asked her to help me keep an eye on him.

She hit the roof saying things like he'll have all sorts of problems why did I do it etc she's a nurse but I don't understand why they'd tell you as a new parent to vaccinate you children if they're gonna cause problems later on.

He's 8 years old now he has dyslexia discalcula and showing signs of dyspraxia.

Was my mum right?

Does anyone have any insight?

Did the vaccines do it to him?

Have you noticed anything similar with your kids?

171 views β€’ 1 upvote β€’ 16 comments



Posted at
I would absolutely vaccinate any future children and my 3 year old is up to date with hers. Every single scare campaign about problems they cause has been medically disproved. The crack job dr in the uk who said they cause autism later admitted he made up his results and was barred from practicing forever. The diseases vaccines protect you from are real and not made up even if they're not common where you live. But people travel so everyone's at risk. You did the right thing!


Nicola 🐟 β€’ Feb 2, 2015
Do you have a link at all to the uk doc that was disproved? it would put my mind at rest


Nicola 🐟 β€’ Feb 2, 2015
I'm not saying I wouldn't vaccinate. I do believe in vaccination otherwise my son and myself wouldn't have had any. my question is about the effects on kids and my son's problems I'm worried that he's suffering the side effects. I know not all kids that are vaccinated have these problems my friends kids are fine. I'm just looking to find other people with similar side effects and my question really is could it be because of the jags?


Posted at
I was vaccinated as a child, as were all of my friends, family And my bubba will be too!! We are all perfectly healthy! Don't go blaming yourself now for something you can't change!! Your only looking to make yourself feel guilty!! It's not your fault, not the doctors or the nurses!! You did the right thing! 😊 Xx


Be β€’ Feb 2, 2015
That's fair enough! It'd be the first thing I would do!! Just don't blame yourself or let anyone tell you that you did the wrong thing 😊 xx


Nicola 🐟 β€’ Feb 2, 2015
I do believe in vaccination and I'm fine and healthy too. It was just when he was formally diagnosed that I remembered the argument with my mum


Posted at
I am in a group with a lot of mothers who have vaccine injured children. There are answers and u support out there for you and your son.


St β€’ Jan 31, 2015
I would like to view/"like" the page as well but I also can't find it.


Kylee β€’ Jan 31, 2015
we are on facebook. the page is called, Vaccines- the harmful and dead


Nicola 🐟 β€’ Jan 31, 2015
Wow really? where? What can I do? Thanks for replying


Posted at
I won't be vaccinating my children at all because vaccine injuries are real risks. The pharmecutical companies and doctors who kush vaccines are protected by federal law from lawsuits so they cannot be sued for vaccinations causing issues. There is a reporting agency called VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) where there are many many reports of vaccine causing injury and parents receiving compensation through special vaccine courts for their chilren being mammed for life because of vaccines. 


St β€’ Jan 31, 2015
The information is out there it just takes a lot of research and digging to find what the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know. The vaccine industry is a billion dollar industry. Of course they don't want anyone to know the real dangers because they would loose money.


Posted at
I'm not finding it can you post a link?


Posted at
I hope we are able to help you! :)


Posted at
Vaccines - the harmful and deadly truth Sorry, I hit enter too soon before.


Nicola 🐟 β€’ Jan 31, 2015
Thank you