Why is it easier to get pregnant when your a teen?

The very first time my bf came inside me I got pregnant. It only took one time! One time! And now in my twenties its not as easy as 1 2 3.
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Ugh I hear you!!! Same situation with me lol. Keep your head up! 


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You have more eggs when you're younger. Women are born with however many eggs in our ovaries and that's it. We can't produce our own eggs. Also some teens aren't fully educated on the menstrual cycle and sex. I know plenty of people who didn't know they could get pregnant on their period and some who still believe they can't. Most teens are not actively trying to get pregnant either, so they aren't stressing out about making a baby. Plenty of women are TTC and they test religiously and they get negatives, but when they stop the routine and are just spontaneous about it is when they get pregnant. Every woman is different though (:


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It's easier to get pregnant as a teenager because when you are born you have 3 million eggs, and when you get older and go through puberty it reduces to 300,000. Now, you lose them gradually as you have periods, and quality also decreased 


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Its not easy when your young. I am technically still a teen and my fiance and I have been trying for 8 long months. It just depends on who you are I guess.