
❤ Stephanie • Just a small town girl trying to make a living. Currently in a long-term relationship with the greatest guy ever!
So I'm on my period and I want to cry about every little thing that happens. Am I the only one who is super emotional during your period??
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Posted at
It happens to the best of us. I was the same way until I got into yoga and meditation to help center myself. It really works.


Posted at
I agree that this happens to a lot of us. So relax!!!! And try Meditation - it works best. Be consistent in daily practice of meditation to see results :) 


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there are about maybe 2-4% of us that develop something much worse than PMS... some people call it PMS on steroids or PMSx1000. It is a hormonal disorder that can make things feel unbearable & there is a high suicide rate. mine was masked by the pill until I went off it at 32 & my life started this sad descent i couldn't explain. it literally ruined my life bc i had no idea what was happening. I tried to kill myself & was misdiagnosed w/depression... it wasn't until it went from 1 really bad day to 2 weeks/month (some women experience it for 3 weeks!) & all the symptoms became suddenly so severe at 38 when i was finally diagnosed with PMDD. going through your teens & having cramps & PMS is a rollercoaster for sure! but if you start noticing feelings of utter desperation & worthlessness where you feel you don't want to live, try to tell yourself it's not as bad as it seems at that moment, reach out to a female family member or someone older you trust & tell them so someone knows. start charting your emotions on the calendar or here in this app. if things become out of control & you start having problems functioning in daily life or feel suicidal (esp if you see apattern every month)... SEE YOUR DOCTOR. and find support groups online... they've saved my life, & i hope this may help one of you who will unfortunately come to live with PMDD. but don't decide for yourself... I have lost friends that can't understand bc they have PMS & think it's the same thing... it's so not. 💙


Posted at
That it's how I am!! I've cried three times today


Posted at
You are definitely not the only one. I honestly become the biggest sap on my period, I cry about everything!