This is a little long

So earlier my dad made me do my chores that my brother did not do at all last week and I sai, "I think we should switch chores so he could do what he didn't last night." And my dad went on to talk talk about something completely off topic. As I was tying the trash bag up my dad went and "quickly" put trash in the tiny hole and I sighed becuz in felt like I just needed to breathe it out cuz i was already too tired and just wanted to go back to sleep. He looked up at me like I jutting was the most disrespectful thing on earth and he started pushing me to the wall saying that I have a huge attitude when it wasn't even aimed at him. I started crying cuz he wouldn't stop and my mom was laying on the couch and told me to shut up and stop crying. I thought u don't even see what he's doing to me. I've cried too much already since we've moved here becuz of him. About About a couple of months ago he was mad at me and in the car he said I'm gonna slap ur fucking ass up and beat the shit out of u. And I said slowly that, that was child abuse and he said yeah im gonna abuse abuse and not give a shit. I wish we could go back too our old house last year becuz nothing was like this until we move here and I want to stop crying becuz becuz of becuz of my parents. I would talk to NY counselor or a friend but the counselor at my school sucks and I haven't found someone I can tell fully about it. This doesn't make make me wanna die, it just makes me want to go runn away or plain out out be adopted