Worried first time mom

Madison • Mama to a wild and sassy little girl born 10/12/15, currently expecting baby #2, 10/31/18
I've been feeling sick lately and had cramps but wasn't supposed to start my period until today, so Thursday afternoon I took a pregnancy test and it instantly came up positive. I took two more and both were positive too. I've taken six home tests and had a blood test and urinalysis from the hospital all to confirm that I am definitely pregnant! I'm over the moon  about this as I've wanted to conceive for so long. I'm 22 and married - 2 years this July. Anyway, I'm only 2-3 weeks according to my last period. My hcg levels are 1400 as of yesterday. The doctor did an abdominal and vaginal ultrasound and couldn't see the gestational sac so I go back Wednesday to be sure my levels are rising properly and that the pregnancy has implanted in my uterus properly. I'm so terrified and nervous that I'll get bad news. I'm sure it's just because I'm so very early in the pregnancy but I've wanted this for so long that I'm terrified it's too good to be true. It seems that miscarriage is so common and it worries me so much to think of losing this baby that I've hoped for for so long. I'm young and healthy and have no existing medical issues and I have a history of very fertile women in my family but I'm still so anxious that something will go wrong. I need some advice and comforting words!!