Toddler not eating

Amber • SAHM to a beautiful, smart, energetic 2 year old boy and his newborn brother!!
My 2 year old son used to be such a good eater! Now, he barely eats anything. He is taking a once-daily gummy multivitamin but I still worry about him getting enough nutrition. Any tips?
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My youngest is 2 & will not eat anything except toast curly fries & the odd time a biscuit..Her Health Nurse referred her to a dietician and the dietician said she was perfectly fine and healthy that most kids go through a phase like this at her age


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My son will be 7 in two weeks and started this "phase" when he was about 2 years old. He goes days and days of hardly eating anything and then he'll goes days where he eats everything in sight. It's frustrating, but I figure he'll eat when he gets hungry enough and I'll keep giving him his daily vitamin. :)


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When they are really hungry, they'll eat. No worries mom


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Ask him what he wants you to make and make it I mean I know parents don't wanna have to cook a meal for the kids and a meal for them but you want him to eat or try having a healthy snack as a reward for eating all their dinner or a better option would be 10 extra minutes of tv before bed 


Amber • Feb 5, 2015
I've tried that too.


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Thank you all for your advice. It just worries me because he's always been on the smaller side. He is 26lbs and very active. 


Nicola 🐟 • Feb 3, 2015
Don't worry he'll eat when he's hungry don't force it


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I've heard it's a stage.  That most toddlers go through around that age. Keep offering foods, but fluids are most important . Also whole milk has a lot of the healthy fats needed . My son refuses to eat whenever he gets sick and that's what his doctor told me . I've also seen the meal replacement shakes at the store for kids  ( not sure of the recomended age however)  or even one thing I did was make smoothies with fruits, veggies, peanut butter( or other protein) and  whole milk or plain yogurt (or other dairy).


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They go through little phases. There's times my son doesn't eat a crumb for about 3-4 days then he makes up for it by eating absolutely everything and still saying he's hungry. They go through little growth spurtsKeep making his food as usual and sit him down try spoon feeding again if he's independent now. If that fails try dioralite it's a flavoured powder you add to water there's lots of good stuff in there and helps when kids are throwing up a lot