Advice please!!

Kari Ann • Married to the love of my life & giving God the control ❤️
A little advice please! :) 
Thursday, Jan 15 I posted about having dark brown/red spotting/ discharge & that actually stopped for a day & started again after my husband & I BD, but was more red than before. Then lasted a few days & spotting again but more brown, NO other symptoms of a period so I was really confused & just assumed it was a small, weird cycle. Since then I've been so hormonal, crazy mood swings, thirsty as all hell, kind of nauseas but nothing to really pay attention to. So with all of that, last night I woke up in the middle of the night with my inner-upper thighs drenched in sweat but the rest of my body was freezing. I don't know what to think of all of it. I told my self not to test next until I feel a significant symptom (sore boobs, super nauseas) something that's not just my head playing tricks. But now I'm just wondering what my body is doing. Does anyone have any advice?