What I did different this cycle...

From cd1 I started taking a Uterine and Ovary cleanse for 7 days. I read some reviews online at Amazon. I purchased from a local co-op. The owner said she has used it twice to get pregnant and had success each time. She said she had cysts and endometriosis. The herbal pills helped to shrink her cysts significantly and even got rid of the largest one completely. She also has endo and had horrible cramps with super heavy bleeding like me, and the cleanse did help with that. I will say that my period lasted 7 days, usually it's 5 maybe 6 days, and I spotted an additional 4 days of pink and brown old blood while on the cleanse. After that, one bottle only lasts a week, I ovulated on CD 15 like I always do but I only inseminated the day of ovulation. I got super frustrated last month with 5 inseminations, perfect timing and a BFN. So this month we didn't stress over several days of inseminations, we just focused on the one day. I'm currently 4dpo.