My first post!

Hello all! 
I've been using glow to track my periods for a year now (meaning 12 cycles) and TTC for that same amount of time. We started out just doing it, then to temping, then OPKs, then accupuncture and supplements, now I'm going to a fertility specialist. I just had some initial bloodwork done which all looked normal (thyroid, testosterone and vaccine checks). My husband is getting his semen analyzed today and I just got my period, so I have to get more bloodwork done tomorrow then an HSG next week.
Does anyone have any positive experiences with the HSG? Advice? Any really bad reactions to commonly prescribed fertility aids? I've only been able to get diagnosed with with really long cycles (around 43 days) as of now which makes the waiting and trying even longer! 
Anyways, thanks for listening. Wish us luck. 