Post your symptoms here!

So we don't have to google and make sure it's "normal" and scare ourselves ;)
I am 5 weeks today. A week ago the fatigue started. Every day felt like running a marathon while supremely hungover. I wanted to nap on my lunch breaks, which I have never wanted to do before.  Saturday I got out of bed, lay down on the couch, and did not get up for the rest of the day. 
Towards the end of my 4th week I dreamt about salt and vinegar chips. I haven't had any cravings while awake, but I did buy the chips 😜 
A couple days before my period was due I had backache but NOTHING like what I get when period is coming. 
I haven't been nauseous so much as motion sick or "seasick", and sometimes woozy. Eating something nutritious every couple hours really helps. The seasickness often starts at 3 AM and continues while I sleep until about 7. 
My right breast is somewhat tender, the left is not. 
I had no idea what it could mean for one's sense of smell to change (my mother said that happened to her) until yesterday, when one of my preschoolers had hard boiled eggs in their lunch and I complained of the smell, asking if someone had pooped! 😂😂😂 
Oh! And I've had heartburn and reeeeeeally slow digestion. Which was hard on Sunday when my husband wanted me to eat and I couldn't because I was so uncomfortable!
What about you guys??