May I have your opinions please?

My husband and I have been trying to conceive since August. I've always had irregular periods and wouldn't you know it, the first time we try I don't ever see a positive opk and have to start my period with a progesterone pill because 95 days was even too irregular for me. After that, I get a positive opk on cycle day 40 and go through my TWW. I faintly get a BFP only to have a Chemical pregnancy a little later. I am now 4dpo and am going crazy through this TWW, as I know we all do. I am concerned about my chart though and that is what I need an opinion on. My temps seemed lower this time and I figured they may be a little off due to the chemical but is the fact that they are not rising greatly after ovulation a problem? As you see, I'm not getting that nice little "up" pattern. Any input would be lovely. Thanks so much.