
Carly • I am 32 and from Southampton in UK. Me and my oh are TTC baby number one. Had miscarriage in January 2015.
I am having such a bad day. I'm going roud my friends tomorrow night for a catch up and a glass of wine and my oh is being really unreasonable saying I'm just going to go back to my old ways and stay out and get drunk and that he hates it. I have told him this is not the case and I won't even have a drink of it makes him unhappy but he just says for me not to do that and he will just have to used to it. 
He got angry with me and stated "You're not the only one going through a tough time you know"! I can't believe he said this to me when I have been nothing but supportive of him as he has me since we miscarried our baby. Why do I sense a tumbleweed of arguments coming our way. I don't want what happened to make us start arguing. He has been telling me we have to be positive and move on but now it seems he has just been hiding what he really feels and is now taking it out on me. 😔