Do I tell him how I feel??

I'm in love with the father of my child. We haven't really been a talking at all in the past five years but just recently this weekend we began talking and really opened up to each other about a lot of things. I want to tell how I feel. I want to be with him really bad. I've never actually came out and told him that, I had a fear that he will say that doesn't want to be with me. So ... should I tell him how I feel?? Or should I just shy away?? 
He literally hasn't been a part of our daughters life. He's in the army and was married. He sent support every month. But how much is that really help and I'll?? I'm adopted and I really just want my family to work but my daughter is five and he doesnt know anything about her. He's also REALLY shy (though he won't admit it) so I feel like that's was also a whole new fear. That maybe my rejected for him not being here all these years is what keeps him at bay. Help me!! What should I do??

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