2 diff tests, multiple pics. Faint pos?

  They were all taken in this order..I swear I see a second line but it's probably just line eyes. My period is late 4 days. I was supposed to start on the 31st. My normal cycle is 28 days. I've told glow I was late 3 times now and it says now since my cycles has changed that I'm only 12 dpo. I have been soooo nauseous, headaches, extremely sore breasts starting yesterday. And also yesterday I went pee and wiped and had one smaller than dime sized spot of blood, I wiped again and had another same sized spot, so I put a pad on and checked a couple hours later thinking it was the start of AF, and nothing. Never started bleeding. I even put my finger inside, nothing. No period. I took several tests the last week and all have been negative. Today I took one cheapy and one frer, what do yall think??? Faint positive? Nothing? And what about my symptoms??? Ughhh I'm so confused!!!