IN LAW TROUBLE ! Long story!

Daphani • Photography and Graphics is what I love to do!!! Texas girl! Im a bachelor art student @ the art institute (: I love classic rock!

I have been with my boyfriend for going on 5 years he is the baby of his family. he has three older sisters, im 20 & he is 21.

when he first introduced me to the family everything was nice. They talked to me here and there and offered me this and that they were alright even though we didint have a direct bond like conversation wise cause every time they would talk and id try to get in they would just kind talk back.into their little group again I feel like the little ugly girl who tried to fitin in high school! But the most conversatIon was hi how are u and asking questions. I am a very outgoing person and tell jokes all the time and I feel like I cant be myself around them cause they are so different from my family im so used family cusing and being rude but still showing love lol but my in laws they are very to them selves and idk I guess up tight. But anyways i thought we were all friends until the older sister became pregnant with twins for the first time two years later I was excited and I got a bunch of things for her babies and the shower! So the day of the shower comes and my bf says im going to pick up (daph) which is me :) well one of the sisters says why she dont even talk! And they all go along saying yeah shes quiet and etc. My bf got mad and said what??! Since when do u come up with this now.!? and walked out pissed and calls me to tell me what happend I got up set knowing I was all ready to go with gifts wrapped and etc. And by the way I got really up set to where I just trashed them lol I lose my temper fast but I treated them with nothing but respect! My bf talks to them a couple days later and gets mad lashing out on them which they never see ANGRY in their family they are very mono.toned and emotionless and they say well im sorry brother that u feel that way we will be behind u with whatever u want and well ever since then I gotten alot of respect and difference from the two oldiest sisters but the youngest sister is the one who will not speak to me whats so ever she avoids me and doesnt even say hi I feel very disrespected and I started being my self and I talk alot more and I dont think she likes that. I feel like she is intimidated im not trying to do that to her but im just being myself idk how to bond with her but I dont know what else to do. should I just let her be??

The last thing I want is to have a horrible bond with my boyfriends family. family is everything! What are your thoughts and experiences and what do u think I should do?! Thank u for listening to my long story lol. Oh and by then way they also said I looked stuck up and that I didint seems like I liked them... they are very quick to judge and they also look the same and I never treated them like an out cast... !