My SO will never begin sexytimes

So we've been together for about a year &we live separately. I can see why he'd hesitate to start but its beginning to get frustrating. He had one other partner before me he had sex with and I know she was older and forced him to do it. But the thing is that was in High school were in college now and we both agreed we were ready to be intimate. Plus he said he was completely over it. But I'm always the one to initiate or ask for it, its never him. I have asked whether or not he is comfortable because we can always stop and he said he was.

I know this is really whiny but it makes me feel like I'm not attractive to him. He says I am but he also knows I'm a passionate person. We've talked multiple tines about it and he says he's simply shy. He's my first so please be understanding I don't any sexual experience outside of him. We've talked about this a lot and every time he has said he'd make an effort and 3 months later nothing. I talked to him again today and he said it was just that its sexy when I start it.

I'm beginning to feel like I'm taking advantage of him and that he's not attracted. Maybe I should just trust him but I'm having a hard time

Please give me some advice! No judgment pleaseee I'm new at this. Thank you ladies!!